21. April 2009
von Tobias
3 Kommentare

[lang_en]Word Of The Day V[/lang_en][lang_de]Wort des Tages V[/lang_de]

[lang_en]Because it’s sounding so wonderfully like Ruhrpott, mining and welding your Opel, today’s Word Of The Day is: wulachen: (German) to work hard (physically) „Adrian really had to wulach, to pound the plaster off the undercut’s walls.“ [/lang_en] [lang_de]Weil es … Weiterlesen

9. Mai 2008
von Tobias
Keine Kommentare

[lang_en]Word of the day II[/lang_en][lang_de]Wort des Tages II[/lang_de]

[lang_en]Relating to some university officials a term came up at our lunch table, which is used far too rarely in my opinion: Flitzpiepe: (German) someone you can’t take seriuosly [/lang_en] [lang_de]Im Zusammenhang mit einigen offiziellen Repräsentanten der Uni fiel heute … Weiterlesen

7. Mai 2008
von Tobias
1 Kommentar

[lang_en]Word of the day I[/lang_en][lang_de]Wort des Tages I[/lang_de]

[lang_en]Every now and then you stumble across notably charming or annoying words and expressions. I’ll be presenting some of them here once in a while, starting with a term Adrian invented not so long ago: (to) outgoogle: to find a … Weiterlesen