17. Februar 2009
von Tobias
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[lang_en]Lunch Reading[/lang_en][lang_de]Mittagslektüre[/lang_de]

[lang_en]As a reading for lunch break I recommend „Die letzte Ölung – Besuch beim Abwracker“ at Carsablanca. Just to sing from the same hymn sheet as lately and to point out the madness of the German junking-bonus.[/lang_en] [lang_de]Als Lektüre für … Weiterlesen

3. Februar 2009
von Tobias
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[lang_en]Your Mom Earns Abwrackprämie[/lang_en][lang_de]Deine Mudda verdient Abwrackprämie[/lang_de]

[lang_en]Adrian already agreed with Herr Renz, but I’d like to use the opportunity to express my resentment about the current political discussion here in Germany, which is at the bottom of the Unwort „Abwrackprämie„. Not only Herr Renz is right, … Weiterlesen