17. September 2008
von Tobias
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[lang_en]TinyMCE broken[/lang_en][lang_de]TinyMCE will nicht mehr[/lang_de]

[lang_en]If WordPress‘ visual editor TinyMCE stops working after you have edited the config file tiny_mce_config.php and begins droping error messages telling you „Cannot modify header information – headers already sent“, make sure the config file doesn’t start with a byte-order … Weiterlesen

8. September 2008
von Tobias
1 Kommentar

WordPress Zooomr Manager

[lang_en]When Zooomr released it’s API to the public earlier this summer, I hoped someone would use it to add Zooomr support to WordPress. This topic became important again, when my brother began to fill up our precious webspace with more … Weiterlesen

8. Mai 2008
von Tobias
4 Kommentare

[lang_en]Multiple blogs with a single WordPress installation[/lang_en][lang_de]Mehrere Blogs mit einer einzigen WordPress-Installation[/lang_de]

[lang_en]When I started setting up the blogs some days ago, I began to create subdomains and subdirectories on the server where I could install WordPress. Soon I discovered, how complicated and prone to errors this procedure can be and started … Weiterlesen

6. Mai 2008
von Tobias
44 Kommentare

[lang_en]Multilingual blogging using WordPress[/lang_en][lang_de]Mehrsprachiges Bloggen mit WordPress[/lang_de]

[lang_en]As said before, I wanted to blog bilingual in English and German for quite some time. Translating my posts into Swedish as well is a bit too much effort compared to the number of potential readers, I guess. Even though … Weiterlesen